There are currently no vacancies in our European offices.
We are always happy to receive unsolicited applications. If you would like to work for PROTEC in Germany, UK or France, please send us an application in which you briefly introduce yourself and your professional and personal qualifications.
It is important that you state why you are applying for a job at PROTEC PLASTICS. Please state the positions or fields of work which you are interested in. Please remember to enclose any qualifications or experience to support your application.
Even though we may not have a relevant opening when you apply, we often invite candidates with the right profile to a mutually informative and elaborating interview. When we invite a candidate for an interview, we do so because we have reason to believe that the need for a new employee will arise in the near future.
We look forward to your application. Please send you apllication to our HR department (Germany), (UK) and hr@protecinfo@fr (France). Please note that we only accept applications by email.
Thank you in advance!
PROTEC meets the most stringent demands of safety and operations reliability. International approvals and certifications such as UL, CSA, VDE, VDA 6.1 and DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015 demonstrate total quality commitment on superior level.